Africa EENI Global Business School

European Union (Course, Master, Doctorate)

Online Courses: Business in the European Union (eLearning)

EENI Global Business School offers the following Professional Business Courses related to the European Union (Europe):

Course: Introduction to the European Union

Course European Union, institutions (3 ECTS, PDF)

Course: European Union Single Market

Course: EU Single Market (PDF) (3 ECTS)

Course: International Economic Relations of the EU

EU's Foreign Policy

Course: EU's Foreign Policy

Free trade agreements (FTA) of the European Union

EU's Association Agreements

Course: Export to the European Union

export to the EU (2 ECTS, PDF

Africa EENI Global Business School

More information about the eLearning Course “Business in the European Union”, at EENI Website.

Students, eLearning, Master in Foreign Trade

  1. Professional Doctorate in European Business
  2. Professional Doctorate in World Trade
  3. Professional Doctorate in Global Transport and Logistics
Continuing Education Programs.

International Trade professional courses  (EENI Global Business School):

  1. Languages of the Courses: Study Master International Business in English  Study Master Business in French Union européenne Study Master Business Foreign Trade in Spanish Unión Europea Study Master International Trade in Portuguese União Europeia
  2. Modality: Distance education (learning) through the EENI E-campus
  3. The Student can begin the course anytime and anywhere thanks to our continuous enrolment system.

Students International Business

Diploma. The student who successfully approves the course will obtain the diploma issued by EENI Global Business School.

BREXIT (UK's departure from the EU)

European Digital Single Market (EU)

European Union-Canada Economic Agreement

Generalised System of Preferences (GSP)

US-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

European Committee of the Regions

Court of Justice of the European Union

Study a Master International Trade in Spanish Unión Europea Trade and Business in Africa (French) Union européenne Study, Master, Global Business, Foreign Trade, Portuguese União Europeia

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