Africa EENI Global Business School

Business in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu (Kenya)

Transport and Foreign Trade in Eldoret: commercial centre, Western Kenya, Matunda, Uasin Gishu

Eldoret is the commercial centre and the largest city of Western Kenya (East Africa)

  1. Eldoret = «Ole Mpere N. Tomito» (the stony river) in Masai language
  2. Population of Eldoret: 290,000 inhabitants
    1. Eldoret is the fifth largest Kenyan city (the first is Nairobi, second is Mombasa, third is Kisumu and fourth is Nakuru)
    2. Eldoret is the Kenyan city with the highest economic growth
  3. Main economic activities in Eldoret: agriculture, transport, tourism and trade
    1. Highly productive farming lands
    2. Cereal cultivation, milk production and horticulture
    3. Doinyo Lessos cheese factory
  4. Main manufacturing companies of Eldoret: Rupa Textiles, Kenya Pipeline Company, Kenya Cooperative Dairy or Raiplywoods.
  5. Main textile industry in Eldoret: Ken Knit, Rivatex EA, Rift Valley Textiles
  6. Corn and wheat crops
  7. Unimall Limited online shopping platform was founded in Eldoret

Logistics and Transportation in Kenya - Eldoret

  1. Eldoret International Airport
  2. The N'Djamena-Djibouti Transafrican Highway cross Eldoret
  3. Kenya-Uganda Railway
  4. Lagos-Mombasa Corridor
  5. Asia-Africa Growth Transport Corridor

Lagos-Mombasa Corridor, Nigeria, Cameroon, DR Congo, Uganda, Kenya

Study in Kenya (Master, Doctorate, Business, Foreign Trade) Kenyan Students from Eldoret

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, Transport and Logistics in Africa
  2. Doctorate in African Business

Kenyan Students from Eldoret

More information: Trade and Business in Kenya, at EENI Global Business School.

Rift Valley Region of Kenya (Foreign Trade, Logistics)

  1. Eldoret is located south of Cherangani Hills
  2. Climate of Eldoret: moderate to fresh
  3. Elevation of Eldoret: 2,100 meters
  4. Daniel Arap Moi was born in Baringo (Eldoret)

Province (County): Uasin Gishu

  1. Eldoret is the capital of the Uasin Gishu County
  2. Population of the Uasin Gishu County: 0.9 million people
  3. Main cities: Eldoret, Moi’s Bridge, Matunda, Burnt Forest, Jua Kali and Turbo

Higher Education in Eldoret - Kenya

  1. Moi University
  2. University of Eldoret
  3. Technical Training Institute of the Rift Valley
  4. National Polytechnic School Eldoret
  5. African Institute for Research and Applied Studies

Business in Africa (Spanish) Eldoret Trade and Business in Africa (French) Eldoret Study Master Business in Portuguese Eldoret

(c) Africa - EENI Global Business School