Africa EENI Global Business School

History of South Sudan. Acholi

South Sudanese Civil War, Kordofan conflict (South Sudan)

History of South Sudan (East Africa)

  1. X century: Nilotic peoples arrive (Acholi, Anyuak, Bari, Dinka, Nuer, Shilluk and Kaligi)
  2. XV to XIX Centuries:
    1. Migrations from Anyuak Dinka, Nuer and Shilluk (Bahr el Ghazal and Upper Nile region)
    2. Migrations of Acholi and Bari (Equatoria region)
  3. Sudan (South Sudan and the Republic of Sudan) is occupied by Egypt (Muhammad Ali dynasty)
  4. 1920: Foundation of Juba by missionaries
  5. Anglo-Egyptian control until Sudanese Independence in 1956
  6. 2011: Independence referendum (99% of the population voted for independence)
  7. Independence from Sudan
  8. Political-economic tensions: 75% of all Sudanese oil reserves are in South Sudan
  9. 2011: Southern Kordofan conflict between the Sudan Army and the SPLA (Nuba Mountains).
  10. Interethnic War
  11. Two civil wars
  12. 2013-present: Sudanese civil war
    1. Ugandan troops
    2. 2014: Bentiu massacre
    3. Peace agreement between the government and the SPLM-IO did not stop the war
    4. Continuation of local insurrections after the peace agreements
    5. Famine is declared in some parts of South Sudan.

Study Online at EENI Global Business School

South Sudan: Master Doctorate Global Trade South Sudanese Students from South Sudan

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, International Business, Foreign Trade
  2. Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics

South Sudanese Students: Online Masters and Doctorates

More information: Business in South Sudan, at EENI Training Portal.

  1. Transport and Logistics in South Sudan

Study Master Business Foreign Trade in Spanish Sudán del Sur Trade and Business in Africa (French) Soudan du Sud Study, Master, Global Business, Foreign Trade, Portuguese Sudão do Sul

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