Africa EENI Global Business School

Thierry Somda: Missions and Market Research

References: missions and market research (Thierry Somda, EENI Global Business School)

CV Thierry Somda (EENI Global Business School)

Jean Thierry Somda (EENI Global Business School)

References (missions and market research):

Name of the mission: analysis of the perception and satisfaction of the offer of bottled mineral waters and PET in Ouagadougou

Year: from November 4 to 17, 2017.
Location: Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).

Main characteristics of the project:
- A study of the perception of the mineral water consumer about the water quality offered by the Brands and their packaging;
- A study of the level of satisfaction of consumers according to their CSP.

Name of the mission: Evaluation of the NIDO Nutriacadémie campaign.

Year: from September 2 to 15, 2017.
Location: 52 sectors of the city of Ouagadougou.

Main characteristics of the project: satisfaction study of the mothers who bought the NEST products from the NESTLE brand. Strategic and operational recommendations for the implementation of a loyalty program and a penetration strategy for the secondary cities of Burkina Faso.

Name of the mission: implementation of a satisfaction barometer to measure the quality of MUNASEB's services.

Year: from July 5 to August 26, 2016.
Location: Ouagadougou and Koudougou (West-Centre of Burkina).

Main characteristics of the project: a study of the satisfaction of students, borrowers and CENOU agents. Strategic and operational recommendations for the implementation of the satisfaction barometer.

Name of the mission: commercial and marketing diagnosis of the Nouvelle Sociedad Sucrière of the Comoé (SN-SOSUCO).

Year: from March 15 to April 30, 2016.
Location: Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, Koudougou, Dédougou, Dori, Tenkodogo and Ouahigouya.

Main characteristics of the project: the commercial and marketing diagnosis consisted of analysing the positioning of Gazelle sugar in the market, as well as the adequacy of its marketing to these same markets. It allowed identifying the areas of Marketing and commercial progress of SN-SOSUCO, recommending a commercial and marketing strategy and an action plan to guarantee its development.

Name of the mission: a market study of meat and meat products for a project to create an industrial unit for the processing of meat products in Koubri/Burkina Faso.

Year: from February 16 to April 13, 2016.
Location: Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), Cotonou (Benin) and Lomé (Togo).

Name of the mission: a study of the bicycle and moped market in Burkina and UEMOA subregion in the framework of the market diagnosis of mopeds in the UEMOA sub-region. In the framework of the restructuring program of MEGAMONDE Industry, commissioned by the Office of Restructuring and Updating (BRM), financed by UNIDO and by the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU).

Year: from January 19 to March 20, 2015.
Place: the main cities of the regions of Burkina Faso, the commercial localities and the member states of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo).

Main characteristics of the project:
Determine the optimal positioning of Megamonde industry and propose the best strategy for its industrial activities.

Name of the mission: market study for the creation of a leisure centre in Ouagadougou. Preparation of the strategic plan.

Year: from March 30 to May 15, 2014.
Place: 12 Districts and 24 sectors of the city of Ouagadougou.

Main characteristics of the project - Analysis:
- the global environment highlighting the political climate, industry conventions, laws and regulations governing companies, market developments and barriers to entry;
- the demand to identify potential objectives, behaviours and purchase motivations, etc.
- The offer and competitive intensity;
- Propose strategic orientations to allow the promoter to define the best segmentation and its general strategy.

Name of the mission: Airtel Business Survey

Year: December 2012 to February 2013.
Place: Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, Ouahigouya, Fada N'Gourma, Dori, Koudougou.

Main characteristics of the project:
Determine the market share by a segment of the different operators in the six main cities of Burkina Faso.

Name of the mission: Airtel GEOMARKETING SURVEY

Year: February to April 2013.
Place: Burkina Faso

Main characteristics of the project: quantitative study and reinforced by a qualitative descriptive method with the objective of obtaining specific and relevant information on 160 localities that can be covered by GSM coverage:
- confirm the GPS coordinates (longitude and latitude) of the identified locations;
- measure the economic and geostrategic potential of these localities;
- provide coverage polygons (with GPS coordinates) composed of at least four peripheral localities of the localities identified according to their potential (demographic, economic, strategic);
- Mapping of the areas to be covered using roof polygons.

Name of the mission: Commercial and Marketing Diagnostic of the YIBI Hotel

Year: from November 16 to December 28, 2010
Place: Burkina Faso

Main characteristics of the project:
The study was carried out in accordance with the following steps:
- Collection of sectoral data for tourism, hotels, to obtain an overview of the sector and prepare a synoptic table of the environment;
- performance analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses;
- analysis of the marketing positioning of the Hotel Yibi offers (segmentation, positioning) and the marketing mix that accompanies it;
- retrospective and prospective analysis of the operating system of the Hotel YIBI;
- construction of a commercial action plan, articulation of the recommended mechanism in an operational timetable and definition of key indicators to measure the objectives;
- construction of a marketing/sales panel.

Name of the mission: preparation of a potato distribution strategy for PROAGRO SARL.

Year: February 20 to April 20, 2008 in Burkina Faso

Main characteristics of the project:
- Diagnose the current marketing system of PROAGRO SARL.
- Identify the actors in the distribution circuit of the potato and develop a suitable approximation method.
- Establish a beneficial association relationship with the actors of the potato distribution network in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso.
- Guarantee better financial profitability and a better organisation of PROAGRO SARL.

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