Africa EENI Global Business School

Organisation Chart of EENI

Steering and Management Bodies of EENI Global Business School

The governing bodies (collegiate and unipersonal) of EENI exercises the management and administration of EENI:

  1. Collegiate Management Bodies:
    1. Board of Directors
    2. Expert Advisory Board
    3. African Alumni Advisory Board
    4. Academic-Scientific Council
    5. Council of the TRU (Training and Research Unit)
    6. Department Councils
  2. Unipersonal Bodies of EENI:
    1. President of the Board of Directors
    2. General Director
    3. Rector
    4. Director of the TRU (Training and Research Unit)
    5. Secretary-General
    6. Institute and Department Directors
    7. University Mediator
    8. Any other function that can be created

Organisation chart of EENI Global Business School

EENI Principle of Racial Harmony

Principle of Racial Harmony (EENI, Kwegyir Aggrey)

Trade and Business in Africa (French) EENI Global Business School Study a Master International Trade in Spanish EENI Global Business School Study, Master, Global Business, Foreign Trade, Portuguese EENI Global Business School

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