Business in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) port
International Trade and Transport in Abidjan (Business): 60% of the GDP of Ivory Coast
The city of Abidjan it is the economic capital and the educational centre of
Ivory Coast (Trade and Business in West Africa)
- Ivorian district: Abidjan Autonomous District (2,119 km²)
- Abidjan is the largest Ivorian economy: 60% of the GDP of Ivory Coast
Main sectors of the Abidjanais economy:
- Textile industry: cotton transformation and export, 24% of the Ivorian industrial value added
- Agrifood industry: coffee, cocoa, palm oil, rubber, beverages, pineapple, mangoes...
- Off-shore oil industry
- Chemical industry
- Public works
- Precious metals export
- Wood processing industry
- Tourism
- Transport and logistics
- Service sector: trade, banking, Foreign Trade,
- Regional exchange of real estate securities SA
- Informal economy
Ivory Coast (Abidjan)
- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport and Logistics in Africa
- Doctorate in African Business
More information: Trade and Business in Ivory Coast, at EENI Global Business School Website.
Transport and Logistics (Ivory Coast)
The Port of Abidjan
is the second largest African port:
Distances from Abidjan to:
- Yamoussoukro: 236 kilometres
- Korhogo: 569 kilometres
- Bouaké: 342 kilometres
- Daloa: 373 kilometres
- Man: 585 kilometres
- San-Pédro: 493 kilometres
- Bamako (Mali): 1,000 kilometres
Access to the Dakar-Lagos Transport Corridor
Access to the Benin-Niger-Burkina Faso-Ivory Coast Railway loop
Railway: Abidjan (Ivory Coast)- Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
SKBO Cross-border Axis
- Sikasso: the second Malian city by population
- Korhogo: the fourth Ivorian city
- Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)
- Ivorian Department: Lagunes Region
- Population of Abidjan: 6.2 million Abidjanais (20% of the Ivorian population)
- Population in 1950: 50,000 of Abidjanais (fin 1948)
- Population in 1975: 1 million Abidjanais
- Population in 2006: 3.6 million Abidjanais
- Abidjan is the most populated Ivorian city
- Abidjan is the second West-African
City by population (the first is Lagos, Nigeria)
- The main Abidjanais languages are French and Ébrié
- Other spoken languages in Abidjan are Attié, Baoulé, Bété and Wobé
- The main religions
in Abidjan are Christianity, Islam, and the African Traditional Religions
Higher Education (Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
- University Félix Houphouët-Boigny (Abidjan)
- University Nangui Abrogoua (Abidjan)
- Catholic University of West Africa
- University of Sciences and Technologies of Ivory Coast
- French University of Abidjan
- University International of Gran-Bassam
History of Ivory Coast
Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)
Abidjã (c) Africa - EENI Global Business School