Business in the East of Burkina Faso
Foreign Trade and Business in Fada N'Gourma, Gnagnaa (East region of Burkina Faso), Gourma, Komandjari, Kompienga, Tapo
- Region: East (East of
Burkina Faso, West Africa)
- Population of the East region: 1.4 million inhabitants (the lower
population density of Burkina Faso)
- Area of the East region of Burkina Faso: 25,574 km² (the largest in Burkina, 17% of the national territory)
- Contiguous regions: the Sahel, Centre-East and North-Centre
- Borders: Niger, Benin and Togo
- County capital: Fada N'Gourma
Study Online at EENI Global Business School
Burkina Faso (East region)
- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, Foreign Trade, International Business
- Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics
More information: Business in Burkina Faso, at EENI Website.
- Provinces of the East region of Burkina Faso: 5
- Gnagna: Coalla, Manni, Liptougou, Thion, Piéla, Bilanga
- Gourma: Matiakoali, Yamba, Tibga, Diapangou, Diabo
- Komandjari: Bartiébougou, Foutouri
- Kompienga: Madjori, Kompienga
- Tapoa: Kantchari, Botou, Partiaga, Tansarga, Namounou, Tambaga, Logobou.
- Departments: 27
- Communes:
- Urban communes: 5 (Bogandé, Diapaga, Fada, Gayéri and Pama)
- Communes with special delegations: Matiacoali, Piéla, Kantchari, Manni and Kompienga.
- Rural communes: 22
- Villages: 806
Regions of Burkina Faso: Boucle du Mouhoun, Cascades, Centre (Ouaga), Centre-East, North-Centre, West-Centre, South-Centre,
East, High-Basins, North, Plateau-Central, Sahel, South-West
Est du Burkina Faso
Leste do Burquina Faso
Este de Burkina Faso (c) EENI Global Business School
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