Africa EENI Global Business School

Business in Kaya (Burkina Faso)

Foreign Trade in Kaya: cultural centre of North-Centre of Burkina Faso

Kaya is the capital of the North-Centre region of Burkina Faso (West Africa)

  1. Population of Kaya: 117,122 inhabitants
  2. The main economic activities of Kaya are handicraft products (leather goods, “kundé” (traditional Mossi guitar, Bronze, ceramics, leather), agriculture and livestock
  3. Kaya (the “sprouted millet” in Mooré language) is an important cultural centre of Burkina Faso
  4. Main ethnic group: Mossi
  5. Distance to Ouagadougou: 100 kilometres (North-East)
  6. Benin-Niger-Burkina Faso-Ivory Coast Railway Loop
  7. Burkinabe Province: Sanmatenga
  8. Kaya was the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Boussouma

Africa EENI Global Business School

Study at a distance at EENI Global Business School

Foreign Trade and Business in Burkina Faso Burkina Faso (Kaya)

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, Foreign Trade, International Business
  2. Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics

Burkinabe Students (Kaya). Master, Business

More information: Business in Burkina Faso, at EENI Website.

Foreign Trade and Business in the North-Centre region (Burkina Faso)

Study a Master International Trade in Spanish Kaya (Burkina Faso) Trade and Business in Africa (French) Kaya (Burkina Faso) Study, Master, Global Business, Foreign Trade, Portuguese Kaya (Burquina Faso)

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