Africa EENI Global Business School

Mossi (Moaga): 40% of the population of Burkina

Mossi (Mosse): people of Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana

Foreign Trade and Business in Burkina Faso The Mossi or Moaga (Mosse in plural) are a people of Burkina Faso (West Africa)

  1. Mossi represent 40% of the population of Burkina Faso (6.2 million Burkinabe)
  2. King of the Mossi: Mogho Naba
  3. Ouédraogo is the ancestor of all the Mossi (children of the Princess of the Kingdom Dagomba Yennenga)
  4. Diaspora in West Africa
    1. Ivory Coast: 1,200,000 Mossi
    2. Ghana: 160.140 Mossi
    3. Mali
  5. Language of the Mossi: Mooré (Voltaic group)
    1. 5 million people speak Mooré
    2. Mooré has Status of national Burkinabe language
    3. Yeela: welcome
    4. ¿Yîis kibare?: How are you?
  6. Religion
    1. Islam: 65%. The Mossi converted to Islam during Colonisation
    2. Christianity (15%) (Catholicism and Protestantism)
    3. African Traditional Religions (religion of the Mossi): 20%
  7. Kingdoms Mossi (15th century, until the French colonisation - 1897)
    1. Kingdom of Yatenga (Ouahigouya)
    2. Kingdom of Ouagadougou
    3. Relations with the other empires of West Africa:
      1. Ghana Empire
      2. Mali Empire
      3. Songhai Empire
      4. Kingdom Bambara of Ségou
      5. Empire Fula of Macina

Mogho Naba (King of the Mossi, Burkina Faso
Mogho Naba (King of the Mossi), Source: AFP

“If we help a woman to cultivate her field, she can say, when the time comes that the barn is his” Mossi Proverb

More information: Business in Burkina Faso, at EENI Website.

African Students, Master in International Business and Trade

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, Foreign Trade, International Business
  2. Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics

Study a Master International Trade in Spanish Mossis (Burkina Faso) Trade and Business in Africa (French) Mossis (Burkina Faso) Study, Master, Global Business, Foreign Trade, Portuguese Mossi (Burquina Faso)

EENI Principle of Racial Harmony

Principle of Racial Harmony (EENI, Kwegyir Aggrey)

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