Business in Guédiawaye (Senegal)
Foreign Trade in Guédiawaye, Ndiarème Limamoulaye (Senegal), Sam Notaire, Golf South
Guédiawaye is a city of the Dakar region (North) of
Senegal (West Africa)
- Population of Guédiawaye: 288,000 inhabitants (the fourth most populated Senegalese city, after Dakar, Pikine and Touba)
- Guédiawaye is the County capital of the Guédiawaye Department
- Distance from Guédiawaye to Dakar: 15 kilometres
- Access to the Dakar-Lagos Corridor
- The five Communes of Guédiawaye are:
- Golf South
- Sam Notaire
- Ndiarème Limamoulaye
- Wakhinane Nimzatt
- Médina Gounass
Study Online at EENI Global Business School
Senegal (Guédiawaye)
- Masters: Business in Africa, International Business, Foreign Trade, Transport in Africa
- Doctorates: African Business, World Trade
More information: Business in Senegal, at EENI Website.
Guédiawaye Department (Senegal)
- Creation of the Guédiawaye Department: 1972
- Population of the Guédiawaye Department: 350,000 inhabitants
- Area of the Guédiawaye Department: 12.7 km²
- Contiguous Departments:
- Dakar
- Pikine
Guediawaye (Senegal)
Guédiawaye (Sénégal)
Guédiawaye (Senegal) (c) EENI Global Business School
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