Africa EENI Global Business School

Business in Pikine, Niayes (Senegal)

Trade and Transport in Pikine (Business in Senegal), Dagoudane, Thiaroye

Pikine is a city of the Dakar region, Senegal (Trade and Business in West Africa)

  1. Population of Pikine: 1,1 million inhabitants (the second most populated Senegalese city, after Dakar)
  2. Main economic activities in Pikine: wood products, transport, tourism and textile
  3. The road Thiès-Dakar passes through Pikine
    1. Access to the Dakar-Lagos Transport Corridor
  4. Pikine, a satellite city of Dakar, was created in 1952
  5. Distance from Pikine to Dakar: 15 kilometres
  6. Chemical Industries of Senegal or the Meat Processing Centre of Senegal (SOSEDAS) are in Pikine
  7. Pikine is the county capital of the Pikine Department

Business in Senegal (Foreign Trade) Senegal (Pikine)

Senegal (Pikine) Master Business

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, Transport and Logistics in Africa
  2. Doctorate in African Business

More information: Trade and Business in Senegal, at EENI Global Business School Website.

Dakar Study

Pikine Department (Senegal)

  1. Creation of the Pikine Department: 1983
  2. Population of the Pikine Department: 834,000 inhabitants
  3. Area of the Pikine Department: 87 km²

Business in Senegal (Foreign Trade)

Logistics: Port of Dakar, Senegal. Access to Mali


  1. Dagoudane (328,000 inhabitants)
    1. Dalifort
    2. Djidah Thiaroye Kaw
    3. Guinaw Rail North
    4. Guinaw Rail South
    5. Pikine East
    6. Pikine North
    7. Pikine West
  2. Niayes (500,000 inhabitants)
    1. Keur Massar
    2. Malika
    3. Yeumbeul North
    4. Yeumbeul South
  3. Thiaroye (342,000 inhabitants)
    1. Diamaguène Sicap Mbao
    2. Thiaroye-Gare
    3. Thiaroye-sobre-Mer
    4. Thiaroye-Diaksao
    5. Thiaroye-Mbao

Contiguous Departments:

  1. Dakar
  2. Baie of Hann
  3. Rufisque

Business in Africa (Spanish) Pikine (Senegal) Trade and Business in Africa (French) Pikine (Sénégal) Business in Africa (Portuguese) Pikine (Senegal)

(c) Africa - EENI Global Business School