Business in Pikine, Niayes (Senegal)
Trade and Transport in Pikine (Business in Senegal), Dagoudane, Thiaroye
Pikine is a city of the Dakar region,
Senegal (Trade and Business in West Africa)
- Population of Pikine: 1,1 million inhabitants (the second most populated Senegalese city, after Dakar)
- Main economic activities in Pikine: wood products, transport,
tourism and textile
- The road Thiès-Dakar
passes through Pikine
- Access to the
Dakar-Lagos Transport Corridor
- Pikine, a satellite city of Dakar, was created in 1952
- Distance from Pikine to Dakar: 15 kilometres
- Chemical Industries of Senegal or the Meat Processing Centre of Senegal (SOSEDAS) are in Pikine
- Pikine is the county capital of the Pikine Department
Senegal (Pikine)

- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport and Logistics in Africa
- Doctorate in African Business
More information: Trade and Business in Senegal, at EENI Global Business School Website.

Pikine Department (Senegal)
- Creation of the Pikine Department: 1983
- Population of the Pikine Department: 834,000 inhabitants
- Area of the Pikine Department: 87 km²

- Dagoudane (328,000 inhabitants)
- Dalifort
- Djidah Thiaroye Kaw
- Guinaw Rail North
- Guinaw Rail South
- Pikine East
- Pikine North
- Pikine West
- Niayes (500,000 inhabitants)
- Keur Massar
- Malika
- Yeumbeul North
- Yeumbeul South
- Thiaroye (342,000 inhabitants)
- Diamaguène Sicap Mbao
- Thiaroye-Gare
- Thiaroye-sobre-Mer
- Thiaroye-Diaksao
- Thiaroye-Mbao
Contiguous Departments:
- Dakar
- Baie of Hann
- Rufisque
Pikine (Senegal)
Pikine (Sénégal)
Pikine (Senegal) (c) Africa - EENI Global Business School