Africa EENI Global Business School

Business in Sokodé (Central Region, Togo)

Foreign Trade in Sokodé: the Togolese city with the highest proportion of Muslims, Kotokoli.

Sokodé is the capital of the Central region of Togo (West Africa)

  1. population of Sokodé: 118,000 inhabitants (the second Togolese city)
  2. Main economic activities of Sokodé: trade, handicraft, agriculture and Transport
  3. Distances from Sokodé to:
    1. Lomé (Port of Lomé ): 355 kilometres
    2. Kara: 108 kilometres
    3. Kpalimé: 284 kilometres
  4. Road: North-South of Togo (Togo-Burkina Faso)
  5. Sokodé is the county capital of the Tchaoudjo Prefecture (Central province)

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Foreign Trade and Business in Togo Togo (Sokodé)

Togolese Students (Sokodé) Master in International Business

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, International Business, Foreign Trade
  2. Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics

More information: Business in Togo, at EENI Website.

Foreign Trade and Business in Sokodé (Togo, Master)

Main ethnic group: Kotokoli (tem)

  1. Kotokoli language (Tem) is spoken in Benin, Ghana and Togo.
  2. Other spoken languages in Sokodé are Ewé and Kabyé

Main religion in Sokodé: Islam (70% of the population of Sokodé)

  1. Sokodé is the Togolese city with the highest proportion of Muslims
  2. 16th Century: Islamisation of the region by the Hausa
  3. Christians (Catholics): 30%

Port of Lome, Togo. Access to Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali

Central Region of Togo:

  1. Population of the Central region of Togo: 549,000 inhabitants
  2. Area: 13.182 km²
  3. Capital: Sokodé
  4. Fazao National Park Reserve

Study a Master International Trade in Spanish Sokodé (Togo) Trade and Business in Africa (French) Sokodé (Togo) Study, Master, Global Business, Foreign Trade, Portuguese Sokodé (Togo)

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