Africa EENI Global Business School

Business in Diffa, N'Guigmi (Niger)

Foreign Trade in Diffa (Diwa), N'Guigmi, Maïné-Soroa, South-West Niger (Business)

The city of Diffa (urban commune, Diwa in kanuri) is the County capital of the Diffa Region (South-West Niger, West Africa)

  1. Department of Niger: Diffa
  2. Population of Diffa: 48,005 inhabitants
  3. National Road N1: Niamey, Dosso, Maradi, Zinder, Diffa, N'Guigmi
  4. Distance to Niamey: 1,360 kilometres

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Foreign Trade and Business in Niger, Exports Niger - Diffa

Nigerien Students from Diffa, Doctorate in Business

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, International Business, Foreign Trade
  2. Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics

More information: Business in Niger, at EENI Website.

Foreign Trade and Business in Diffa, Trade, Business

Diffa Region (South-West Niger):

  1. Area of the Diffa Region: 156.906 km²
  2. Contiguous regions: Agadez and Zinder
  3. Borders of the Diffa Region: Nigeria (South) and Chad (East)
  4. Population of the Diffa Region: 591,788 inhabitants (Diffa is one of the less populated Nigerien regions)
    1. 15% of the population of Diffa is nomadic
  5. Main ethnicities of the Diffa Region: Kanouri, Hausa, Toubou, Tuareg, and Fula.

Foreign Trade and Business in Niger

Departments of the Diffa Region (Niger)

  1. Diffa
  2. Maïné-Soroa
  3. N'Guigmi (China National Petroleum Company, Petroleum)
    1. Diffa-Zinder Pipeline

Higher Education in Diffa (Higher Education in Africa)

  1. University of Diffa

Trade and Business in Africa (French) Diffa (Niger) Study, Master, Global Business, Foreign Trade, Portuguese Diffa (Níger) Study a Master International Trade in Spanish Diffa (Níger)

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