Business in Lubumbashi, Upper Katanga (DR Congo)
Foreign Trade and Business in Lubumbashi (the mining capital of the DR Congo),
Upper Katanga
- Lubumbashi is the second city (2.8 million inhabitants) of the
DR Congo (Central Africa)
- 1970: 310,000
- 2001: 1.1 millions
- Lubumbashi is the capital of the Upper Katanga province
- 3.9 million inhabitants
- Border of Lubumbashi with Zambia (boot of Katanga)
- Main economic activity in Lubumbashi: mining
- Lubumbashi is considered as the mining Congolese capital (copper)
- The main mining companies are based in Lubumbashi
- Large manufacturing companies such as Marsavco, All Pack
Industries and Angel Cosmetics are in the centre of the city (Gombe) in
- Lubumbashi is an important Congolese industrial and commercial centre
- Main products: textiles, food products, beverages, bricks and
copper fusion
- Simba brewery (Tembo beer) is headquartered in Lubumbashi
- National Society of the Congolese Railways
- Lubumbashi is at the centre of the railway lines towards Ilebo,
Kindu, Sakania and Kolwezi
- Lubumbashi International Airport
- Food is imported from South Africa,
Zambia and Tanzania
- Lubumbashi is near to the Zambian border
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Democratic Republic of the Congo - Lubumbashi
Enrol, study and receive your European Diploma
- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, Foreign Trade, International Business
- Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics
More information: Business in the DR Congo, at EENI Website.
- Elevation of Lubumbashi:: 1,230 metres
- Climate of Lubumbashi: tropical
- Main languages in Lubumbashi: French and Kiswahili (lingua franca)
- Main religion in Lubumbashi: Christianity
- Archdiocese of Lubumbashi
- 1910: foundation of Elisabethville (Lubumbashi) by the Belgian (History of the DR Congo)
- 1960 - 1963: capital of the State of Katanga (secession of the State of Katanga of Moïse Tshombe)
- 1966: Elisabethville was renamed to Lubumbashi
Transport and Logistics in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)
Road Transport: Lubumbashi and the rest of the
Katanga province are linked with Zambia
- Access to the Port of Beira (Mozambique, 1,600 kilometres, via Zambia)
Distances from Lubumbashi to:
- Kinshasa: 2,288 kilometres (36 hours)
- Mbuji-Mayi: 1,109 kilometres (15 hours)
- Kananga:
1,204 kilometres (18 hours)
- Kisangani:
2,030 kilometres (32 hours)
- Bukavu: 1,349 kilometres (21 hours)
- Goma: 1,539 (25 hours)
Communes of Lubumbashi:
- Kamalondo
- Kampemba
- Katuba
- Kenya
- Lubumbashi
- Rwashi
Higher Education in Lubumbashi
- University of Lubumbashi
- Work University of Lubumbashi
- Cepromad University
- University of Kalemie
- Protestant University of Lubumbashi
- Methodist University of Katanga
- Baptist University of the Congo of Lubumbashi
- University of Likasi
- University of Kolwezi
- University Institute of the Congo
Universities in the DR Congo
Lubumbashi, RD Congo
Lubumbashi, RD Congo
Lubumbashi, RD Congo (c) EENI Global Business School
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