Business in Khartoum (Sudan)
Trade and Business in Khartoum (capital of Sudan), Bahri, Omdurman, Karari
Khartoum is the economic, political,
cultural and administrative
capital of
Sudan (East Africa)
- الخرطوم «Elephant trunk» in Arabic
- Population of Khartoum: 640,000 of inhabitants
- Great Khartoum (Khartoum, Omdurman and Khartoum North): 5.5 million people
- Khartoum is the largest Sudanese city
- Main industries in Khartoum: glass manufacturing, textiles, food
processing and printing
- Al-Mogran development project
- Souq Al Arabi is the largest market in Khartoum
- Khartoum is located at the confluence of the White Nile and the Blue
Nile (Al-Mogran) in the centre of Sudan
- Distance from Khartoum to the Red Sea: 800 kilometres
Study Online at EENI Global Business School
Sudanese Students
from Khartoum - Omdurman from Khartoum - Omdurman (Sudan)
- Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade, Business in Africa
- Doctorates: African Business, Islamic Markets, World Trade
Masters and Doctorates in International Business adapted to the
Sudanese Students
More information: Business in Sudan, at EENI Training Portal.
Mohammed Ibrahim
Transport and Logistics in Khartoum - Sudan
- Railway: Khartoum, Wadi Halfa, Kassala,
Port Sudan (Red Sea)
- Road: El-Obeid-Khartoum (500 kilometres)
- Khartoum International Airport
- Airport Mac Nimir Bridge
- Distance from Khartoum to Port Sudan: 675 kilometres
- Elevation of Khartoum: 381 meters
- Climate of Khartoum: arid and hot
- 1823: foundation of Khartoum by Mehemet Ali
- Great Mosque of Khartoum
- National Museum of Sudan
Omdurman is the economic centre of Sudan
- Population of Omdurman: 2.4 million people
- Omdurman is the second largest Sudanese city
- Omdurman is located on the west bank of the Nile, facing Khartoum
- أم درمان in Arabic
- Mahdi's tomb in Omdurman
Wilaya (State) of Sudan: Khartoum (capital)
- Oil production in Khartoum
- Population of the Khartoum State: 7.6 million inhabitants (the most populous Sudanese State)
- Area of the Khartoum State: 22,142 km² (the smallest Sudanese State per surface)
- Largest cities: Omdurman and Khartoum (capital)
- Other cities: Bahri, Sharq an-Nile, Jabal Awliya, Om Badda and Karari
- Main economic activities of the Khartoum State: agriculture, government services,
private sector and banks
- Contiguous states: Nile, North, Kassala, Gedaref, Gezira, White Nile and
North Kordofan
Osama Abdul Latif
Higher Education in Khartoum - Sudan
- University of Khartoum
- University Al-Mughtaribeen
- University Al-Neelain
- University Al Zaiem Alazhari
- University El-Razi
- University of the Nile Valley
- University National Ribat
- Future University of Sudan
- University of Garden City
- International University of Sudan
- University of Medical Sciences and Technology
- Sudanese University of Sciences and Technologies
- Open University of Sudan
- International University of Africa
Universities in Omdurman
- University Ahfad of Women
- University Karary
- University Omdurman Ahlia
- Islamic University of Omdurman
- University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences
- University of Sciences and Technologies - Omdurman
Khartoum (c) EENI Global Business School
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