Africa EENI Global Business School

Business in Mbabane, Hhohho (Transport,Eswatini)

Trade and transport in Mbabane (Business) Hhohho: most economically advanced region of Eswatini (Swaziland)

Mbabane is the administrative, economic and commercial capital of Eswatini (Southern Africa)

  1. ÉMábáne in Swazi language
  2. Population of Mbabane: 95,000 inhabitants
    1. Mbabane is the largest Liswati city
  3. Main economic activities in Mbabane: tourism and sugar exports
  4. Tin and iron mines
  5. The most important companies in Eswatini (Swaziland) are based in Mbabane.
  6. The Central Bank of Eswatini is in Mbabane
  7. Other banks in Mbabane are the Standard Bank, Nedbank, Swazi Bank and First National Bank
  8. The closest border from Mbabane to South Africa is Ngwenya-Oshoek (23 kilometres)

Tibiyo Taka Ngwane Eswatini (Swaziland)

Transport and Logistics

Study Online in Eswatini (Swaziland) (Business)

  1. Mbabane - Lobamba Road MR3
  2. Manzini-Mbabane Corridor
  3. Nearest ports:
    1. Port of Maputo
    2. Port of Durban
    3. Manzini International Airport

Eswatini (Swaziland): Study, Business, Foreign Trade Swazi Students from Mbabane

  1. Masters: Business in Africa, Transport and Logistics in Africa
  2. Doctorate in African Business

Swazi Students from Mbabane

More information: Trade and Business in Eswatini, at EENI Global Business School Website.


  1. Swazi District: Hhohho
    1. Mbabane is the capital of the Hhohho region
  2. Mbabane is located at the north-west of Eswatini (Swaziland), on the Mbabane River and its tributary, the Polinjane River in the Mdzimba Mountains.
  3. Elevation of Mbabane: 1,150 meters
  4. Neighbourhoods of Mbabane: Mbangweni, Sidwashini, Kent Rock, Sandla, Westridge Park, Malunge, New Checkers, Msunduza and Vukutentele
  5. Main languages in Mbabane: Swazi and English
  6. 1887: foundation of Mbabane

Swazi District (region): Hhohho

Mbabane is the capital of the Hhohho region

  1. Hhohho is the most economically advanced region of Eswatini (Swaziland).
  2. Main economic activities: services, tourism and forestry
  3. The Wood of the Hhohho region is exported to be transformed in South Africa
  4. Ngwenya Mine (Indian mining company Salgaocar): the oldest iron mine in the world
  5. Tourism is one of the largest sectors of Hhohho's economy
  6. Area of the Hhohho region: 3,625 km²
  7. Population of the Hhohho region: 282,734 inhabitants
  8. Population density of the Hhohho region: 78 inhabitants / km²
  9. The Hhohho region is in the north-western part of Eswatini (Swaziland)
  10. Contiguous regions: Lubombo and Manzini

Business in Southern Africa (Botswana, Lesotho, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Eswatini)

Higher Education in Mbabane

  1. University of Eswatini
  2. Campus of the University of Creative Technology of Limkokwing (Mbabane)
  3. World College of Waterford-Kamhlaba (South Africa)

Business in Africa (Spanish) Mbabane Trade and Business in Africa (French) Mbabane Business in Africa (Portuguese) Mbabane

(c) Africa - EENI Global Business School