Business in Mbabane, Hhohho (Transport,Eswatini)
Trade and transport in Mbabane (Business) Hhohho: most economically advanced region of Eswatini (Swaziland)
Mbabane is the administrative, economic and commercial capital of Eswatini (Southern Africa)
- ÉMábáne
in Swazi language
- Population of Mbabane: 95,000 inhabitants
- Mbabane is the largest
Liswati city
- Main economic activities in Mbabane: tourism and sugar exports
- Tin and iron mines
- The most important companies in Eswatini (Swaziland) are based in Mbabane.
- The Central Bank of Eswatini is in Mbabane
- Other banks in Mbabane are the Standard Bank, Nedbank, Swazi
Bank and First National Bank
- The closest border from Mbabane to South Africa is Ngwenya-Oshoek (23

Transport and Logistics

- Mbabane - Lobamba Road MR3
- Manzini-Mbabane
- Nearest ports:
- Port of Maputo
- Port of Durban
- Manzini International Airport
Swazi Students
from Mbabane
- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport and Logistics in Africa
- Doctorate in African Business

More information: Trade and Business in Eswatini, at EENI Global Business School Website.
- Swazi District: Hhohho
- Mbabane is the capital of the Hhohho
- Mbabane is located at the north-west of Eswatini (Swaziland), on the Mbabane River and its tributary,
the Polinjane River in the Mdzimba Mountains.
- Elevation of Mbabane: 1,150 meters
- Neighbourhoods of Mbabane: Mbangweni, Sidwashini, Kent Rock, Sandla, Westridge Park, Malunge, New Checkers, Msunduza and Vukutentele
- Main languages in Mbabane: Swazi and English
- 1887: foundation of Mbabane
Swazi District (region): Hhohho
Mbabane is the capital of the Hhohho region
- Hhohho is the most economically advanced region of Eswatini (Swaziland).
- Main economic activities: services, tourism and forestry
- The Wood of the Hhohho region is exported to be transformed in South Africa
- Ngwenya Mine (Indian mining company Salgaocar): the oldest iron mine in the
- Tourism is one of the largest sectors of Hhohho's economy
- Area of the Hhohho region: 3,625 km²
- Population of the Hhohho region: 282,734 inhabitants
- Population density of the Hhohho region: 78 inhabitants / km²
- The Hhohho region is in the north-western part of Eswatini (Swaziland)
- Contiguous regions: Lubombo and Manzini

Higher Education in Mbabane
- University of Eswatini
- Campus of the University of Creative Technology of Limkokwing (Mbabane)
- World College of Waterford-Kamhlaba (South Africa)
Mbabane (c) Africa - EENI Global Business School