Business in Franceville, Gabon
Trade and Business in Franceville (Upper Ogooué, Mpassa, Upper Ogooué, the Gabonese Republic
Franceville is the capital of the Upper Ogooué province (Haut-Ogooué in
French) of
Gabon (Central Africa)
- Population of Franceville: 111,000 inhabitants (the third largest city of Gabon)
- 1992: 31,000
- Important mineral resources
- Franceville has a cement factory
- A hydroelectric power station (Poubara waterfall)
- Franceville is on the Mpassa river
- Distance from Moanda
to Franceville: 31 kilometres
Study Online at EENI Global Business School
Gabon - Franceville
Enrol, study and receive your European Diploma
- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, International Business, Foreign Trade
- Doctorates: African Business, World Trade, Global Logistics
More information: Business in (Franceville) Gabon, at EENI Website.
- Climate of Franceville: tempered
- Main ethnicities of Franceville are Obambas and Batéké
- The indigenous ethnic groups are Pygmy, Bakaningui, Ndoumou and Mbaghouin
- Main religion in Franceville is Christianity
- Gabonese Province: Upper Ogooué (capital)
- Gabonese Department: Mpassa
- 1880: foundation of Franceville
- Old name of Franceville: Masuku
Transport and Logistics in Franceville (Gabon)
- Franceville-Libreville
Railway (Trans-Gabonese, 669
- National Road N3: Libreville-Franceville
- Distance from Franceville to Libreville (National Road 3): 735 kilometres (12 hours)
- Franceville -
Port-Gentilneither road available: three hours by Air
- International Airport M’Vengue the Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba
Upper Ogooué Province (North-West of Gabon)
The capital of the Gabonese Upper Ogooué province is Franceville
- Population of the Upper Ogooué province: 251,000 inhabitants (the second Gabonese most populated
- Area of the Upper Ogooué province: 36.547 km²
- Contiguous Provinces: Ogooué-Ivindo and Ogooué-Lolo
- The main mineral resources are manganese, gold and uranium (Oklo uranium mine)
- Ogooué river (source in the Republic of the Congo): Ogooué-Lolo,
Ogooué-Ivindo, Moyen-Ogooué and Ogooué-Maritim
Departments of the Upper Ogooué province:
- Djoue (Onga)
- Djououri-Aguilli (Bongoville)
- Lekoni-Lekori (Akieni)
- Lekoko (Bakoumba)
- Lemboumbi-Leyou (Moanda)
- Mpassa (Franceville)
- Plateau (Lewithi)
- Sebe-Brikolo (Okondja)
Border of the Gabonese Upper Ogooué province: the Republic of the Congo
- Cuvette-West
- Upper Ogooué
- Cuvette
- Niari
- Lékoumou
- Plateau
Higher Education in Franceville (Gabon)
- University of Science of Masuku (USTM)
Franceville (Gabón)
Franceville, Gabon
Franceville (Gabão) (c) EENI Global Business School
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