Trade and Business in Kitwe, Copperbelt
Foreign Trade and Business in Kitwe, Copperbelt, Kitwe-Nkana, Ndola, Zambia
Kitwe (Kitwe-Nkana) is the capital of the Copperbelt Region of
Zambia (Southern Africa)
- Population of Kitwe: 0.5 million inhabitants
- Kitwe is the second largest Zambian city after the capital Lusaka (the third city is Chipata)
- Kitwe is one of the most developed commercial and industrial zones of Zambia
Transport and Logistics in Kitwe - Zambia
- Railway: Kitwe, Livingstone, Lusaka and Ndola
- The main Zambian Road running through the Copperbelt extends from south-east
to north-west through Kitwe, Ndola (south-east) and Nchanga, Chingola and
Chililabombwe (north-west)
- Distances from Kitwe to:
- Lusaka: 286 kilometres
- Ndola: 149 kilometres
- Lubumbashi (DR Congo): 149 kilometres
- Airports: Southdowns and Ndola
- Access to the Cairo-Gaborone
- Asia-Africa Growth Corridor
- Access to the Ports of Beira and
Nacala (Mozambique).
- Maputo
Development Corridor
- Distance from Kitwe to the Port of Beira: 1,370 kilometres
Study Online at EENI Global Business School
Zambian Students from Kitwe
Enrol, study and receive your European Diploma
from Kitwe (Zambia)
- Masters: Business in Africa, Transport in Africa, International Business, Foreign Trade
- Doctorates: African Business, Global Logistics, World Trade
Masters and Doctorates in International Business adapted to the Zambian Students.
More information: Business in Zambia, at EENI Website.
- Zambian Province: Copperbelt or Kopala (Ndola)
- Zambian District: Kitwe (capital)
- Kitwe is in north-central Zambia
- 98% of Kitwe's population is Christian
Zambian Province: Copperbelt (Kopala)
The capital of the Copperbelt province (Kopala) is Ndola
- Area of the Copperbelt province: 31,328 km².
- Population of the Copperbelt province: 2.3 million inhabitants
- Mineral-rich copper belt
- Copper mines in Nkana
- Mopani Copper Mines
- Large agricultural areas
- Main cities of the Copperbelt province: Kitwe,
Ndola, Mufulira, Luanshya, Chingola and Chililabombwe
- Districts of the Copperbelt province: Chililabombwe,
Chingola, Kalulushi, Kitwe, Luanshya, Lufwanyama, Masaiti, Mpongwe,
Mufulira and Ndola
- Border of the Copperbelt province: the DR Congo (Lubumbashi)
- Railway toward
the Congo
Higher Education in Kitwe - Zambia
- Copperbelt University
- Copperstone University
- Catholic University of Zambia
History of Zambia
- Kitwe- 1936: foundation of Kitwe
- Construction of the Railway by the company of Cecil Rhodes.
Kitwe (c) EENI Global Business School
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