Logistics and Transportation in Tanzania
Port of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), corridors (Transport and Logistics)
Port of Dar es Salaam
is the largest port in
Tanzania (East Africa)
- 95 % of International Trade of Tanzania
- Access to Burundi, Kenya (West), Malawi (load
Uganda, Rwanda, the DR Congo and Zambia.

- Other Tanzanian ports are the Port of Tanga and the Port of Mtwara
- Nearest port for the northern provinces of Tanzania: Port of Mombasa (Kenya)
Trans-African Logistics Corridors:
Cairo-Gaborone Transport Corridor

- Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania,
Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa
- Tanzanian cities: Dodoma, Iringa, Mbeya, Nakonde
North-South Transport Corridor

- Botswana, the DR Congo, Malawi, Mozambique,
South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe
- Tanzanian cities: Dar es Salaam, Nguerengere, Morogoro,
Kitonga, Iringa, Mafinga, Makambako, Igawa, Uyole
Central Transport Corridor

- Burundi, the DR Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda
- Tanzanian cities: Dar es Salaam, Chalinze (Muheza - Arusha - Namanga:
link with the Northern Corridor), Kilosa, Dodoma, Singida, Igunga,
Isaka (Shingaya, Mwanza), Nyakanazi, Nyakahura, Muleba, Bukoba, Kyaka,
Access to the
Northern Transport Corridor

Ferries connecting Tanzanian mainland with the islands of Zanzibar
Ferries: Port of Bujumbura (Burundi) in Kigoma (Tanzania).
Asia-Africa Growth Transport Corridor
Road Transport

- Dodoma - Dar es Salaam Highway
- Road link for Blantyre (Malawi)
- Mzuzu (Malawu)
is a road transport hub to Southern Tanzania
- North Road (Mbeya in Tanzania)
- National Highway 2b of Rwanda: Kayonza - Kibungo - Rusumo (border of
Tanzania, road to Mwanza)
Tanzanian Railways Corporation.
- Railway network: 3,682 kilometres
- Central line between Kigoma and Dar es Salaam
- Access to Burundi, the DR Congo and Rwanda
- Links with the region of the Lake Tanganyika (1,255 kilometres), DR Congo (Bukavu),
Burundi, Mwanza on Lake Victoria (Uganda) and Kenya
- Rail Administration Tanzania (Dar es Salaam) - Zambia (Kapiri Mposhi)
- Railway links with Uganda
- Julius Nyerere International Airport
- Kilimanjaro International Airport (Arusha and Moshi)
- Kajunguti International Airport
- Msalato International Airport
- Serengeti International Airport
- Mwanza International Airport
- Dodoma Airport
Tanzanian Students.
- Courses:
Transport in Africa
Business in Africa,
Transport in Africa
- Doctorate:
African Business

More information: Trade and Business in Tanzania, at EENI Global Business School.
 - Masters and Doctorates in International Business adapted to the Tanzanian Students
- Regions of Tanzania
- Higher Education in Tanzania
- History of Tanzania
Transporte en Tanzania
Transport Tanzanie
Transporte na Tanzânia (c) Africa - EENI Global Business School