Niger River (Master Africa)Niger Basin Authority. Bamako, Niamey, Mopti, Tillabéri, Port HarcourtThe Niger River (West Africa), 4,180 kilometres, is the largest West-African river and the third largest river in Africa, the first is the Nile and the second is the Congo. The Niger River crosses six countries: Features of the Niger River:
Academic Programs related to the Niger River region
Itinerary of the Niger River: The Niger River has a boomerang shape. Sources of the Niger River:
Next, the Niger River goes to the north-east, through Guinea (Tindo, Faranah, Haut Niger National Park, Kankan, Kouroussa, Balato, Fandia, Sansando, Betela, Karifa, Bankou). Guinea-Mali Border (South) In Mali, the Niger River crosses Bamako (the Bani River, from Ivory Coast, disembogue in the Niger River) Main ethnicities: Malian itinerary of the Niger River: Bamako, Koulikoro (Port), Souba, Ségou, Markala, Ke-Massina, Djenné, Mopti, Fatoma, Kona, circle of Diré, Niafunké, Timbuktu, Douentza, Dala, Boni, Tabi, Hombori, Gossi, Gao, Foulan, Ansongo, Tassiga. Mali-Niger Border Nigerien Itinerary of the Niger River: Ayouroum, Aliam, Tillabéri, Namaro, Niamey, Kollo, Say, National Park of W of Niger Niger-Benin Border (Gaya, Malanville) Benin-Nigeria Border (Gaya, Malanville) Itinerary in Nigeria of the Niger River Tungan Gendenni, Zaria, Yelwa, Kainji Lake, Bambafu, Jebba, Pategi, Baro, Budon, Lokoja (affluent), Ajaokuta, Idah, Onitsha, Niger Delta, Port Harcourt (Atlantic Ocean) Abuja is near of the Niger River Economic region of the Niger basin (Niger Basin Authority)
Population of the economic region of the Niger Basin: 150 million inhabitants. More information about the Niger Basin Authority, at EENI Website. Economic Organisations in the region of the Niger Basin
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